Recumbent trike No1 by Velodreamer (Prototype)
Recumbent trike No.1 by Velodreamer - the first attempt...
Name No1
Type Recumbent Trike
Year 2014
Overall length 3100mm
Overall width 550mm
Frame material Steel
Frame weight 17kg
Overall weight 33kg
Front Wheel 20”
Rear Wheel 26”
Suspension FULL
Seat ground clearance 430mm
Сarrying capacity 30kg
Mileage > 2000km

Trike No1 is the first tadpole recumbent trike by Velodreamer with a single-sided support of front wheels. At that time we didn't know much about steering geometry so tried to learn as much as it was only possible. We tested two steering systems: a direct control by means of pivoted levers and a steering with intermediate levers. Also we tested the weight distribution.